Thursday, November 18, 2010

King Soopers-saved 80%

So I just had to go to King Soopers again on Tuesday to get a few more Mega Deals.  I planned on getting 10 Swanson Broths and 10 more misc items.  Here is what I got.

2 Kroger Premium Selection ice creams $3.99 ea ME items--had 2 free Kroger coupons
2 Land'O Lake butters 2.49 ME items-- 1/2 MQ ($2.00 each which I figure is not bad since Kroger brand was $2.99.
1 Electrisol Finish Gel Paks $2.99 ME item--$.75 MQ doubled to $1.00
1 Canada Dry Ginger Ail $.79 ME item
4 Hormel Chilis $.84 ME items--$.55 off 2 doubled to $1.00
1 Hunts Tomato sauce $2.59--free Kroger Q
$.10 off for using my own bags

Total:  $37.14
Coupons:  $14.57
Store Discounts:  $15.20
OOP:  $7.47

Now, I was going to get the Swanson's broth but they were out of the regular so I was going to get a rain check.  Unfortunately I went to the self serve check outs and of course things started going wrong.  First the second Q for free ice cream would not go through.  The guy manning the check outs was extreamly  busy with another problem.  So he started putting my Q's through but got distracted.  I finnally went over to him and asked about the other ice cream Q and the $.75 Q for the Finish, he put through the Finish Q and he said the other one  would not go through but he could call a manager.  I said ok and walked back to the register.  About 5 minutes later he asked me if I needed something and I said yes, I need a manager.  She came over but need the other guys access code but he was busy again with another customer so she goes to help someone else.  Aghhhhhhh!  Finally about 10 minutes later she comes back and takes care of my free Q.  I could not take the item off of my order since it was part of the Mega Event.  Anyhow, I was in the self serve registers for about 20 minutes trying to get this straight (aren't these supposed to be the "fast lane"?).  After all of the waiting I completely forgot to get the rain check and to make things worse the weather went from about 45 degrees to almost white out conditions while I was in the store (freak storm, but you know what they say about Colorado--If you don't like the weather wait 15 minutes) and I did not have a coat.  Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!  By the time I got home (2 blocks), the snow had stopped and the sun was coming out again).  Still I think I did pretty good.


Unknown said...

Ugh, what a horrible experience! So sorry you had to go through that.

Thanks again for your support by linking up at Wednesday Weekly Shopping at Frugal Follies! Come back again next Wednesday and link up again! Happy Thanksgiving!

Cheri said...

We can't always get perfect buying experiences. I figure I was due for a snafu.