Wednesday, November 10, 2010

King Soopers saved 77%

Went to King Soopers on Tuesday and took advantage of the Mega Sale event.  Here is what I got:

2 bags ice (not shown) $3.76
1 bag of marshmellows $1.25
1 12 ct Finish Quantum $2.99  on the mega event (now referred to as ME) $1.50 MQ
4 Colgate toothpastes $1.00 ME item 4 $.75 MQ's double to $1.00 = free
5 Smart One's $1.65 ME item $5.00 off 5
1 Banquet berry pie $.79- $.35 MQ doubled
1 Kroger grape tomatoes $3.99 - Free with store Q
1King Soopers butter $2.99 - Free with store Q
2 Cool Whips $1.98 - 1 free with purchase of 2 Sara Lee Pumkin pies + $1.00 MQ = free
2 Kroger sugars $1.88
1 Fresh Select salad marked down to $.99
4 Campbell's cream of chicken soup$.49 ME item $1.00 MQ off 4
10 Swanson broths $.49 ME 2 $.50 off 5 MQ's doubled
4 Chunky soups $.99 ME $1.00 MQ off 4
Nestle chocolate chips $2.49 - free with store Q
2 Land O'Lakes Butter $2.49 ME item $1.00 off 2
2 Sara Lee pumkin pies $2.49 - 2 $.75 MQ doubled to $1.00
2 Jimmy Dean sausage $2.50 - didn't take the time to see if there were MQ's out there
1 8 lb bag of potatoes $1.99
1 Lean Pockets $1.49 ME item $1.00 MQ

Total:  $116.86
Discounts and coupons: $89.60
OOP $27.26  WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to tell you that I was getting nervous when the total was up to around $65.00.  This is the biggest deal I have done so far.  So while I was standing in line and waiting for the total I noticed that only 2 $5.00 discounts came off at the register and was wondering what went wrong (I know I checked the total 5 times to make sure I had 30 ME items).  The cashier checked and told me that I only had 29 items.  He said I could go get another item and that is where the Lean Pockets come in.  I was going to get these and then changed my mind.  Well, looking at the receipt, I figured that they did not charge me for one of the Colgate items and that is why I only had 29 items.  I knew I had 30!  I still think I did pretty good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, free tomatoes and butter? Wish I had that store in my area! You did great!

Thanks for stopping by Wednesday Weekly Shopping at Frugal Follies! Come back again next Wednesday and link up again!